Rubbermaid Cake Keeper
Cake Keeper.
Rated 5 out of 5 by Aunt Leon from Love this multi-purpose cake keeper? I lost my original cake keeper in a move and have been lost without it. Not only does this keep cakes fresher longer. But it s a great container for the 7 layer salad I take to large family gatherings.Modern-ue-rubbermaid-cake-carrier-cake-carrier-tupperware-cake-carrier-cake-taker-plastic-.
Rubbermaid cake keeper.
Find great deals on for rubbermaid cake keeper. Shop with confidence.Specialty Storage.
The Rubbermaid Cake Keeper s storing and serving cake easy with a lid that fits tightly to the base to keep food fresh and a base that can be as a serving tray. Compare Compare Butter Dish.Rubbermaid 1777191 10.
Buy the Rubbermaid 1777191 Cake Stand at. Same Day on thousands of restaurant supplies. 3 decades of satisfied. Repeat customers.The Rubbermaid cake keeper accommodates 10-inch-diameter cakes and pies. It maintains product freshness with a tight-fitting lid. Since the lid is translucent. users can identify the contents easily. The base can be as a serving tray. and the entire unit is stackable with other containers.