White Standard Size Cupcake Paper Baking Cup Liners- 2'' x 1-1/4=4.5 -APPX. 2 PACK 500= 1000 PACK

White Standard Size Cupcake Paper Baking Cup Liners- 2'' x 1-1/4=4.5 -APPX. 2 PACK 500= 1000 PACK
  • Price: $18.75


DECONY White Standard Size Cupcake Paper Fluted Baking Cup Liners - 2'' x 1-1/4=4.5 - appx. 1000/ pack

Decony baking cup is approved by the FDA for direct food contact so you can be sure this cup is safe to use. With this baking cup, .

you can eliminate the need for greasing pans thus reducing the labor and time intensive tasks of cleaning, soaking, and scrubbing dirty baking pans

Brand Decony
Model SYNCHKG067212
Size 1000
Availability In stock on May 8, 2020. Order it now.