solid clear acrylic display cube

SALE Lucite Solid Clear Acrylic Cube Square Paperweight.

SALE Lucite Solid Clear Acrylic Cube Square Paperweight.

Acrylic Display Cubes.

Acrylic display cubes are perfect for display and provide added security for your items. Or simply prevent others from touching the items on display.

As the name suggests, the acrylic display cubes are generally made from a clear acrylic or Perspex, in thickness of 6mm. Acrylic is a versatile material that can easily be cleaned soapy or a microfibre cloth, giving you a premium clear finish. . The acrylic display cubes can be made in a size to suit you, and can be to display objects either inside or on top. Either, the solution is a simple display stand that is strong, looks great and sho your products. If you like to sho your acrylic display cube a plinth base, this can be constructed a 16mm thick timber board to provide a smooth finish maximum strength. The plinths can  be built at a size and colour to suit your requirements.

Solid Acrylic Blocks. Clear Acrylic Bases. Acrylic Block Displays.

Solid acrylic blocks is crystal clear acrylic. Display Case Art can cut and polished any size solid acrylic into blocks or bases. Plexi-gl and lucite block. Base or stands.

Acrylic blocks and solid acrylic bases can be custom sized. Beveled edges and square edges, and corner cuts. Made of solid crystal clear acrylic. Acrylic is also ed Lucite or Plexigl. Polished to a crystal clear shine in any size you might need. Our thickest solid acrylic block we have will be four inches thick. If you dont see the size acrylic bases you need listed just ask. Three and Four inch thick solid acrylic blocks. Highly polished, crystal clear. FROSTED OR CLEAR IS SAME ... WE CAN ALSO BEVEL MOST ANY SIZE BLOCK... DONT SEE YOUR SIZE?. CUSTOM CUT TO ANY SIZE. ASK.! Three and Four inch thick solid round acrylic blocks. Highly polished, crystal clear. FROSTED OR CLEAR IS SAME ... WE CAN ALSO BEVEL MOST ANY SIZE BLOCK... DONT SEE YOUR SIZE?. CUSTOM CUT TO ANY SIZE. ASK.!

Solid Clear Acrylic Cube for Retail Je Display Store Shop.

Park Display for your acrylic block display needs at the lo s for Solid Clear Acrylic Cube for Retail Je Display Store Shop and more.

Modern, clic and timeless fine je display solution. Nordic design, clean lined and stylish. Durable acrylic material imported from Europe. Highlight and sho the quality and design of the je. Versatile design suitable for any je (necklace, ring, bracelet, ) or artistic object (mini figure, frame, etc.).

Clear Acrylic Cube.

Clear Acrylic Cube Sold in Sets of 3. This clear acrylic cube set is a great way for you to scase different products in both commercial and residential settings. Each set includes three orted sizes of display risers. Designed to fit within each other or separately.